Why Do You Need to Hire a Trustworthy Traffic Ticket Paralegal in Ontario?
Getting a traffic ticket may seem like just a small inconvenience at first. But once you neglect it or worse, take it for granted, you’ll end up regretting that you didn’t do something to fix it right from the get-go.
The good news is that a trustworthy and reliable traffic ticket paralegal in Ontario can do something about your issue.
Traffic Tickets Defined
Traffic tickets like traffic or speeding violations are offence notices that imply a violation of traffic laws stated in the traffic Act.
An Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) or a Provincial Offences Officer (POO) is authorized to serve a traffic ticket or lay a charge to you if you commit a traffic offence as indicated in the HTA.
When Do You Get a Traffic Ticket?
Below are some of the most common offences in the Highway Traffic Act that would warrant an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) or a Provincial Offences Officer (POO) to issue a traffic ticket in Ontario:
Careless driving
- Failure to stay at the accident scene
- Failure to pull over for the police
- Failure to report an accident
Driving or following too closely
- Impaired driving
- Improper turn
Contest, racing, and stunt driving
- Violation of red light cameras
- Violation involving traffic lights
- Using a handheld device while driving
- Viewing a display screen while driving
Penalties for Traffic Tickets
All of the common traffic offences listed above come with specific penalties. These include demerit points, fines, permanent or temporary suspension of driver’s license, and imprisonment.
Once you’ve acquired 15 demerit points, the Ministry of Transportation will have your driver’s licence suspended for 30 days.
Reasons to Hire an Ontario Traffic Ticket Paralegal
The outcome of your case will be compromised if you try to fight your traffic ticket all by yourself. This is the reason why you should consider hiring an expert Ontario paralegal who knows all too well how stressful and overwhelming it can be to deal with impending legal concerns such as traffic tickets as well as the fines that come with them.
In addition to the fact that you can save more time, money, and nerves if you hire an Ontario paralegal, these professionals can also assist you with the following:
Attending your trial
Of course, you can’t expect to fight and win your traffic ticket in court if you don’t have the slightest idea about the procedures, regulations, and rules that govern traffic offences.
Adjournment of your case
A traffic ticket paralegal in Ontario can also try to adjourn your case to a different date. This is possible if you will be unable to attend the trial because of a valid and justifiable reason, such as when you still need to go through disclosure materials.
Your paralegal may also serve as your representation during a proceeding under the POA, specifically if the traffic ticket you got was in an area far from your home.
An Ontario traffic ticket paralegal can also come up with a solid strategy that will work in favour of your defence. If there are fatal errors in your traffic ticket, for example, the paralegal can use this as an advantage for your defence.
How to Hire a Traffic Ticket Paralegal in Ontario
When hiring a traffic ticket paralegal in Ontario, don’t forget to do your homework accordingly. Use the available resources at your disposal to ensure that you will be working with someone who is legally allowed to practice.
You should also take time to get to know the paralegal better. You can do this by checking their reputation and asking the right questions. Finally, be sure to consider the cost of their services. The pricing must also be reasonable enough to ensure that you’ll get the most out of your money.
Wrapping It Up
You see, there are a lot of good and sensible reasons for you to hire a traffic ticket paralegal in Ontario who can fight your case on your behalf.